Does Your Workout Cause You Neck Pain?

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Neck pain interferes with things you love and takes the fun out of self-improvement, but there's a program that can help you to heal the sore muscles and avoid reoccurrences.

Does Your Workout Cause Neck Pain?


Regular exercise is a great way to build natural immunity, avoid chronic disease, lower insulin, boost energy, create a better mood helps you lose weight, and you look better.


One of the greatest problems I see with working out is the lack of understanding the importance of form.


When working out, we need to be aware of proper positioning and how the structure will be stimulated and in what direction. Meaning; are we lining up our joints properly and usingthe best technique?


If you are finding that your neck starts bothering you more and it's aggravated by your workouts, this deserves some investigation.


Postural Therapy looks for the root cause of your pain. This means simply; where you hurt is not where the problem is.


In the case of your neck, there are several other joints that will affect that tight sore neck that hurts to turn, move and feels stiff and tight.


It's frustrating to do something positive for your health and well-being and have it turn on you and become a problem.


Necks, shoulders, backs, hips, knees, and ankles can all be affected by movements that don't engage the surrounding muscles properly.


As an example, you have a great squat workout and the next day your neck is sore. Maybe you think you slept wrong?


What if you learn later that your hip joints are not aligned, and the imbalance causes you neck pain.

Maybe you don't think it's possible?


Your hips are part of your pelvis and the pelvis is your foundation.


Think of a building that has a foundation issue on one side. You will notice the top of the building that one side is lower. All due to a faulty foundation.


If this can happen to a building, this can also happen to you.


How do you get this pelvis imbalance?


Maybe you sit behind a desk all day in a fixed position that creates short tight muscles on one side and long weak muscles on the other side.


Driving a lot, standing with too much weight on one side, carrying a heavy purse on one side of the body constantly or doing the stair master with more weight on one side.


Doing this day after day will change how the joints are affected and create an imbalance.


Maybe you lean to one side when doing heavy lifting? or you compensate for that sore knee.

Finding the why and how you get chronic pain from exercise will set you free once the root cause is determined.


If you are experiencing single side soreness after working out, it's time to find out why. You won't work it out, but you will make it worse over time by ignoring it.


Many think stretching the tight sore muscles is the way to improve and change the pain, however this is a very short fix and doesn’t always remain pain free. Those sore muscles are reacting to the imbalances from your structure.


Until you create structural balance, the problem will continue to surface and aggravate the affected area, in this case your neck.


The worst part is it interferes with something you love and takes the fun and the joy out of self-improvement.


The great thing is a program can be designed for your body that will help you to heal the sore muscles and avoid reoccurrences.  


If you want answers, schedule a free postural assessment and let's find out why you hurt and let us create a solution to become pain free.


Postural Therapy is life changing!


Are you ready?


Make an appointment for a complimentary postural assessment on zoom or in person.

Call or text 702 354-8269

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