Neck pain interferes with things you love and takes the fun out of self-improvement, but there's a program that can help you to heal the sore muscles and avoid reoccurrences.
80% of the world suffers from back pain at some point so we put together this blog and video to cover what causes it and how to help it.
A common cause of back pain is in the tight hips. How do you loosen the hips and ease the pain?
In 2018 Stanford Medical did a three-month study on Postural Therapy. The patients did NOT use any drug or surgical interventions. The study revealed a 41% reduction in pain in three months. By re-educating your body and reminding it where it used to be, pain goes down and activity goes up.
I notice that most people tend to be more accountable to someone else like a friend, boss, or spouse. But, when it comes to our self-care, we tend to put ourselves last. This article guides us through how to tune-up our accountability.
My last newsletter I talked about running in pain. I can hardly avoid writing about walking in pain, so here’s the scoop. It’s springtime and more people are out walking and enjoying the beautiful weather.
A client of mine who is a runner said he felt like his running had become effortless. This was the effect of balancing the loading joints and muscles, thus giving him more power and endurance to function in his sport. We'll take a look into this client's ability and how you can have the same ability in this weeks article.
Have you ever been sitting or standing and experience mid back pain? Are you a golfer? Golfing can affect pain levels, and pain levels can affect your golf game. Postural therapy breaks that cycle.
Although injuries in football can be hard to overcome, you can get your muscles more activated and functional through Postural Therapy.
Training for a sport, especially bench pressing attracts conditions like tennis elbow. What is it and how can we heal it?
If you are someone who doesn't like to exercise, or you don't have enough time. This post is for you. Here are a few suggestions you can work into your lifestyle.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is often associated with pain, but immobilizing the area will slow down the inflammation and you can begin to get some relief.
People begin developing sore muscles and joints without experiencing an injury, but overuse of muscles and joints in a repetitive movement.
Postural Therapist Carolyn Vanzlow will be discussing how to improve your functional movements in order to improve your golf game.
When you move more, I guarantee you will feel better physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This will keep you focused and pain free.
We have been working with many clients who have hip pain, there are a few common things that seem to invite the issue.
This is a great story about a lady who was a former lady football player and later got into a challenging contact sport involving boxing.
The strongest positive change was reported in pain level where average scores moved from 7.3 to 4.3 on a scale from 0-10
I had a history of herniated discs, whiplash, and more. I could not go one more day in this amount of back pain, neck pain, hip pain and shoulder pain.
Westernized medicine is not a cure all. In fact, it's far from it. There are other options to lead a pain-free life. We're here to show you them.
Hot or Cold? Many complain it's too hot and don't like the heat and others can't wait to get outside. Which one are you?
Steven has Spondylolethesis and a history of 2 disc herniation’s. Steven told me he had hurt is shoulder lifting and pushing upward..
There are common questions people have before deciding to pursue the life changing journey of Postural Therapy. Here are some of them.