8/10 People You Meet Today Have Back Problems

Schedule a 30 Minute Postural Adjustment, Click Here

80% of the world suffers from back pain at some point so we put together this blog and video to cover what causes it and how to help it.

More than 80% of the population will experience back pain some time in their lives. Many of you are dealing with back pain, whether chronic or a short incident. One comment I hear a lot from clients is the sitting is what creates more pain.


A few years back I had two clients with similar back issues that included two herniated discs. One client sat at a desk all day and the other worked in construction. The construction worker used postural therapy twice daily to control the pain and reduce compensations that attributed to the disc issues. The other client decided to try steroid injections and ended up having them done twice.

The client who is a construction worker mentioned he would never have made it through the injury if he had to sit all day. He felt moving helped reduce pain and the postural exercises gave him a lot of relief. His recovery took 6-8 weeks, and he never went on light duty. Now in all fairness, he had excellent lifting skills and knew how to move with proper form.


Both men had similar issues, however the conditions for their recovery were very different. In the video I give you some exercises for low back pain. Try them out and let me know what you think.

If you know anyone who will benefit from the video, please forward this link and help them feel better. Also, please like and share my video and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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